Used Books Mobile Shopping App
Used Books is a mobile shopping app platform that allows users to buy books for less. Used Books sells books that have been used and are still in good condition, which in turn allows the users to buy more books for less.
Art Direction
UX/UI Design
The Used Books mobile app was designed to have a clean and organized feel to it. The colours were colour-picked from pages of books to create a neutral palette that fits with the brand. The overall design was made to feel welcoming and light.
The Process
The Challenge
The goals were to:
1. Create a mobile shopping app that consisted of clear navigation and categories that meets the needs of new and old users.
2. Design a transaction and shipping screen that meets the business and user needs with the minimal amount of user information.
My Role & Main Tasks
I led the User Experience and User Interface design and prototyping.
1. Labelling & Navigation Systems
2. Competitive Research
3. Art Direction
4. User Experience/Behaviour Information
5. User Interface Design
Labelling & Navigation Systems
The process started with labelling and navigation systems. I determined labelling systems based off of all my items by categorizing and sub-categorizing them. I then proceeded with user-testing to ensure my system was clear and concise.
I researched competing companies to determine what navigation and labelling systems were being used. The focus of my app is usability for old and new users which led my research in finding common navigation and labelling systems.
Information Architecture
I made flowcharts and wireframes to focus on behaviour-driven actions for both desktop and mobile.
Art Direction
After the research, I prepared a style board to guide the art direction of the mobile app to keep the design cohesive.
Final Designs
After feedback, revisions were made until the mobile app was complete.
Colour Palette
I colour picked a light beige from a page of a book for the main colour of the app. I accented that beige with a palette of neutral browns, black and an off white. I chose colours that accented well with the main colour.
For the header text, I chose a dark brown to add a soft contrast to the warm beige.
I chose Orpheus Pro Bold for the headers as it has an elegant, old fashioned look to it that gives off feelings of olden day books. I paired it with Avenir to use a simple text that would typically be used as text in books.